Browse Items (155 total)

Black and white photograph of first graders at Arvada Grade School in 1920. Note on back of photograph says, "Thomas in the first grade."

Black and white photograph of a young woman standing in a white dress holding flowers.

Black and white photo looking at the front of the school with school children and staff. Presently Lawrence Elementary school.

Four women standing together. Left to right: Hambley; Shafer; Thompson, Marjorie; Brown, Ann.

Black and white photograph of George Swadley.

Graff standing with two horses in his field in front of farmhouse. Graff came to America from Germany in 1892 and settled on 15 acres at what is now 55th Avenue and Vance Street. He had a herd of cows and a cheese factory and sold his products in…

Black and white photograph of hay stacks in Albert Schneider's field with farmhouse in background.

Black and white photo of Henry, John Juchem's son, and Katherine, Henry's wife, with children.

Black and white photograph of a snowy day on the Biggins' farm. Clouds hide the mountains.

Black and white photo of Dist R-1 School Board members, Jefferson County. L to R: Charles Moore, TW Ten Eyck, C.E. Meyers, J.C. Gadd, Hal Shelton, H.B. Lutz, Bob Johnson (standing).
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