Browse Items (155 total)

A black and white photograph of Miss Child's kindergarten class at Arvada School. Al Landry is pictured 3rd from right.

Color photograph of Mickey Maker standing working on an Arvada Historical Society display of historic photographs in the Apex Recreation Center opening.

Black and white photograph of (L to R): Albert Schneider, Otto Schneider.

Black and white photograph of Matilda Reno, wife of Louis Reno taken in the 1870s.

black and white photograph of Mary Swadley

Black and white photograph of Mary Ann Wadsworth taken in the 1870s.

Black and white photograph of Marilyn Hase smiling at the camera.

Color photograph of Arvada Men and Women of the years past. Seated left to right Marge Mueller, Jim Randall, Evelyn Johnson. Rox 1 standing: Lois Lindstrom, Mary Jo Giddings, [Bini] Abbott, Rita Schmidt, Doc Gail Gilbert, Vesta Miller. Row 2: Jack…

Black and white photograph of Lynn and Pam Easton standing in front of Forestry Equipment TS-44A in Jefferson County

Black and white photograph of Zeller's threshing machine featured on page 60 in More than Gold: A History of Arvada, Colorado, during the period 1870-1904.
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